

A house without a roof

A computer without a keyboard

Cereal with no milk

Nachos without cheese

A DVD player without a screen

A painting without paint

A sewing machine without thread

A tree without wood

A raincoat made of paper

Thunderclouds in 90-degree weather

Tape that doesn’t stick

A rain hat with an open top

An umbrella without webbing between the wires

Cold without snow

Trains with square wheels

An airplane without wings

A cold fire

A pencil without lead or an eraser

A video game that does everything for you

A movie that freezes every ten seconds

An app for telling how old you are

A case that doesn’t have a movie inside

A teacher who sits around and does nothing all class long

A play with one person in it

A trashcan without a bottom

A car without wheels

Poems without words


A mute dog

A sled that doesn’t slide

A lock that doesn’t lock

A wet towel

Earth without life